Boyd Holbrook: Elizabeth Olsen dumped me the same day my best friend died

File this under Elizabeth Olsen is Ice Cold. Last year, Elizabeth Olsen and Boyd Holbrook were happily engaged. They were both up-and-coming actors with successful careers. Then, out of nowhere, their engagement was off. A few months later, the rumors about Olsen and Tom Hiddleston started heating up, and some of us believe that Tom


File this under “Elizabeth Olsen is Ice Cold.” Last year, Elizabeth Olsen and Boyd Holbrook were happily engaged. They were both up-and-coming actors with successful careers. Then, out of nowhere, their engagement was off. A few months later, the rumors about Olsen and Tom Hiddleston started heating up, and some of us believe that Tom and Elizabeth started seeing each other while they were filming I Saw the Light. Well, I’m not sure about the timeline a year ago, but Boyd covers the new issue of Man of the World and he says flat-out that Olsen dumped him “on the same day my best friend died.”

Boyd Holbrook is bitter about his breakup with Elizabeth Olsen. Though the couple called off wedding plans in January, the 34-year-old actor now describes their breakup as a “divorce.” In fact, he tells Man of the World’s Issue No. 14, “On the same day that my best friend died, I got a call from my girl to tell me it was over.”

Neither Boyd nor Elizabeth’s reps would confirm their engagement in March 2014, and neither star’s reps would confirm the breakup, either. The split rumors were seemingly confirmed, however, when Elizabeth stopped wearing her engagement ring. To this day, the actress has discussed her breakup with Boyd.

As if the breakup weren’t tough enough, Boyd spent much of 2015 grieving the loss of photographer David Armstrong. “David was the first person in my life to encourage me. He told me to do everything I wanted to do. No one had ever told me that before. He was a very important figure in my life,” the Jane Got a Gun star tells the magazine. “Important figure is not even close to what he was.”

In the months that followed, Boyd says he became “consumed with my own personal depression, my own personal scenario at the time.” He was able to put the pieces of his life back together over time, and doing so gave him a new perspective. “What happened over the course of the journey was that I started noticing the different types of trees,” he says. “I started noticing beauty, the details.”

[From E! News]

The New York Times ran an obituary for David Armstrong on October 31, 2014. I’m not 100% sure when Tom and Elizabeth started working on ISTL, although it’s worth noting that they did know each other prior to filming. I’m not saying Tom is a homewrecker, but I think I’ll say that Elizabeth Olsen might have seen her opening to date Tom and she dumped Boyd so she could be available to date other people (Tom). Anyway… breaking off an engagement the same day your man’s BFF dies? COLD.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

